Le Perche

Le Parc Naturel du Perche, is located in the southeast of Normandy (view : Normandie pour la vie). The Perche is an authentic spectacle of nature, history and culture.

Nature is a lovely patchwork of softly stretched hills and immense oak and beech forests. Pertica is the ethymological origin of the actual word Perche and means: high trees. Hedges meander like ribbons over the ridges or form a welcoming tunnel. Every season is an open invitation for invigorating walks, bike tours or horse promenades.

The Perche is an open history book , a region of castles, monasteries and churches, which origin can date back as far as the XIth century. The hills are decorated with jewels of manor houses and farm houses .

Culture is daily bread and butter in the Perche. Come and enjoy a classical concert in one of the hundreds years old tiny churches. Take part in a rock, folk or blues concert in a local café du pays. Lectures, exhibitions of contemporary art, photos, ceramics are organized all over the region, again in an architectural Perche artefact.