The Restoration

In le Parc naturel du Perche, sincere efforts are made to protect the landscape- and architectural patrimony as well as the natural environment, creating harmonious and balanced life surroundings for human beings, fauna and flora.

The traditional Perche architecture style is still applied, using the locally found building elements  : limestones, since ages coughed up by Mother earth, oak beams, naturally grown by the immense oak forests, the ocher, yellow or pink sands, the flat rooftiles and the softly bubbled floor tiles, all together bring different variants on the very same Perche architectural theme.

Our special thanks go to our highly skilled master craftsmen and their team who passionately devoted their expertise to the facelift of La Bidannerie and under whose guidance we made the ”career switch” of our lives.

The Elements

Our Strong Stones:

How many storms did you brave ?
How many conversations did you echo ?
How many love declarations and emotional outbursts did you silently absorb ?

Our Bumpy Beams:

How many 6-legs creatures did you house ?
How many stories did you tell on the hundreds years old oaks ?
How patiently did you carry the centuries old walls and roofs ?

Our Lovely Lady Tomettes :

How many shuffling feet made you shine ?
How many desperate stamping feet did you endure ?
How many shards of happiness did you catch ?

Amongst these authentic, old elements , we are happy to be the youngsters again. They are our eldest home- and soul mates. The honor is ours to serve as the link between the tens of generations before us and the hundreds of generations after us .